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Project Objective: Evaluation of the Jordan Bus Restructuring Interim Master Plan (JBRIMP) and the development of an implementation program to be implemented within the framework of an integrated
In order to face the growth of population and mobility in the Amman-Zarqa metropolitan area; a mass public transport system between these two cities had been planned
Jordan will be developing a modern, reliable freight railway network linking the nation’s key cities (the national capital, Amman, and major industrial cities such as Mafraq and Zarqa), the country’s gateway port (the Port of Aqaba), and the largest phosphate mine (Shidiya Mine). The network will also connect with the railways of Saudi Arabia and Syria (and onward to Turkey and Europe in the futur..
Logistics Efficiency Improvements Study of Aqaba Port to determine logistic congestion and develop practical solutions thereof based on a study of the top 10 containerized goods, including two goods flowing to Aqaba through Genoa port. The study was ..
The project concentrates on the importance of safety on roads, the necessity of application of international agreements governing land transport, and the need for efficiency improvement and occupational qualification of freight carriers.
The project aims at reducing injuries and deaths of fatal road accidents in the Southern area of the Mediterranean Sea.
This project aims at the fulfillment of the conditions required to join the Euro-Mediterranean Common Aviation Area (EMCAA) through the application of a roadmap and detailed action plan
Provide assistance needed for the execution of IMO mandatory instruments, through evaluating our experiment in safety and security issues, providing the necessary for performance improvement and capacity building
This project aims at promoting and supporting the introduction of EGNSS services in the Mediterranean countries, mainly the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) falling under the European Satellite System (Galileo).
The Rehabilitation, Expansion and Operation Agreement of QAIA Project was signed on May, 19, 2007 between the Government of Jordan in its capacity as "Grantor" and Airport International Group (AIG) as the "Investor".
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